Friday 18 July 2008

The Internet is Full of Morons.

This might be a slightly obvious thing to say, you might be thinking 'Well no shit Sherlock!'
but occasionally it takes a trip to Gaiaonline or a post on YouTube to realise the extent of the moron's reach. They are the racist, the homophobic, the conservative, the whiny, the teenager, the religious, the stupid, the foaming fanboy and the pervert.
I have encountered these and more on Gaiaonline alone.
I recently got kicked off the site because someone tried to hack it and, after failing to change my password, succeeded and got me blocked.
I initially tried to fight it at first, complained and half-heartedly kicked up a mini-stink, but after merely one failed attempt I gave up and decided I was better off without Gaiaonline.
Just before I was kicked off, I posted a joke about, since I became an atheist, my hair has curled little flicks on each side of my head like devil horns. I then concluded (as a joke) that I had become possessed by the Dark Prince himself.
It's clear that some American Christians have had an irony-ectomy. It's not even a good bit of irony for fuck's sake!
Then I posted a comment on how pleased I was to see Jerry Falwell had shuffled off the mortal coil and the world's got lighter since he got off it. It's old news by the way, he died over a year ago. He was a religious prick, a homophobe and sexist. You know what I got by way of reply?

Good Sweet sainted Jesus. It keeps me awake at night how many pricks there are in the world.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

How I Gave Up My iPod

I have had music players since I was about ten, I’ve had several walkmans, CD players, dodgy MP3 players and two iPods. I’ve hung onto my music player habit with the ferocity of a chain smoker and it’s affected my hearing something dreadful.
So what helped me finally kick my five hour a day habit?
My iPod charger died, suddenly; without warning and my iPod was useless without it (it’s an ancient old thing I got for free from my uncle to replace my last iPod).
My dealer had been taken out and, until I had the cash to find another one, I was bereft and forced into cold turkey. I went through a denial period, desperately plugging in my iPod to get the blimmin’ thing to work, but to no avail, the little red charger light would not even flicker.
I went through the kind of withdrawal symptoms that I suspect smokers go through. I’ve seen similar reaction in my beloved partner after he was forced to go without a cigarette for nearly eight hours on a train to Scotland.
But as ex smokers have to find something to fill that void that once held their disgusting, health damaging vice, so I had to find some other way of escaping into my commuting bubble.
Good God I’ve never got through so many books.
I tend to have lots of books on the go, but because I usually chose my iPod over my book I tended to get through them like a sloth through treacle (i.e very slowly). Now, without my iPod to distract me, I’ve read, in just the last few weeks; Kamikaze Girls, The God Delusion, Billy and My Dirty Little Book of Stolen Time (all of which I heartily recommend) not to mention all seven volumes of Othello (the manga, not the Shakespeare play) and several magazines and newspapers.
I’ve also been able to hear much better to as well as allowing my thoughts to assemble themselves better to inspire and fuel my passion for writing.
So, all in all, it’s been hard work, but worth the hassle. I recommend to all of you; switch off your iPods, mp3 players or whatever it is you crazy kids listen to, and take in the world around you.
Don’t worry, you still don’t have to talk to, look at or touch anyone.

Wednesday 26 March 2008

The power... THE POWER!

Well, it isn't really power is it? I'm a mere squeak on the shouting mass that is the internet. Still, it's worth a try.
Let me introduce myself, I'm a marketing assistant by day, a mum by night and a ranting loony in between. I'm 5"7, short sighted with long brown hair and greeny-blue eyes. I need to lose weight, but always keen to find an excuse. I am a left-leaning libertarian, uber-geek, closet goth, passionate atheist and budding writer, hence the blog.
I do have a livejournal, but I've recently lost patience with it.
On this blog I will write my opinion pieces and bits of prose, perhaps some short stories in my desperate attempts to become a columnist.
That is all.